As known, the experts disagree about the terms of sufism. Yet these experts, also agreed to eventually become part of the word Sufism in science Shari'ah. It is said that the word Sufism was introduced in the 2nd century Hijri by abu Hashim al-Kufi. This difference of opinion of these experts, associated with the origin of the word Sufism. Some of the differences and understanding the origin of the word Sufism or etimologinya include:
- Derived from the word sufuw or safa 'which means purity. In this sense, which refers to the sanctity of life is to be achieved by those who choose the path of Tasawwuf
- Saf, which means row. What is meant in this sense are those who follow the path of Sufism is that they are always in the front rows to get closer to God. This understanding is also understandable, because the behavior of the Sufis always puts the right god compared to the fulfillment of worldly material
- Saffah which means porch. This sense refers to the habit of the Companions of the apostle who was often in the mosque porch at Madinah to deepen knowledge and worship. Some friends who referred to among others Bilal bin Rabah, Salman al-Farisi and some friends the other apostles.
- Some experts conclude taswuf stem from the Greek vocabulary of Philo-Sophia which means love of wisdom. This understanding is also intended to show, that those who choose path of Sufism is the people who want to reach a sensible character.
- Suf, which means Raw wool. This sense refers to those who subscribe to clothing tasafuw road. In the early history of Sufism in the development of science and the 2nd century Hijri 1, then many of those who use the cloak of wool or wool with patches here and there. Raw wool is the material of the most expensive clothing. Here shows that they are not so interested in the material world, so including their cloth is a very simple.
Some understanding of the above, seems to stem at the fifth point above the origin of the word is closer to sufism and the condition of the adherents of Sufism. There's even a look, a combination of the origin of the word 1 to 5 are all point to characteristics of their Taswuf adopted. This means that Sufism is meant by those who always keep the purity and were in the vanguard of approaching God, and they are always in the porch of the mosque to worship and act wisely and well dressed in simple clothing material Maun utilized property. Therefore, in this time, we still can see some of us apply behaviour the point 1 to point 5 above. Well ... Are they also entered the ranks of the Sufis?
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