Kamis, 24 September 2009

1 / 3 Muslims go to heaven without going through hell

The scholars who share a Ramadan Ramadan in three stages. Each stage consists of 10 nights. The first stage is the first in 10 nights of Ramadan are full of grace. The second stage is a 10 second night full Maghfirah. The third phase of funding was 10 last night in the month of Ramadan is full of forgiveness. Muslims who can pass with either stage 3, then at 10 last night he would get a pardon. Those who can pardon is entitled to enter Paradise without a trial first. Of course the record we are unforgivable conditions are maintained until we die and face God.

The problem is, we often make mistakes in God as Ramadan ends. This means, we are back together again sins. Of course, for those who sin will not be able to enter Paradise without being judged. Then the question arises, how can we maintain that there is forgiveness in our awake until we die and face God. The scholars make the guidelines so that we remain forgiven god. Here's how: Spread Greetings (Speech) and peace (create an atmosphere of peace) on this earth to:

  1. Fellow Muslims. So, we should really keep the peace in the internal Muslim. There must be no hostility dianatara Muslims themselves.
  2. Fellow nations. So we must always be a harmonious relationship among our own people. There must be no hostility in their own nation.
  3. Fellow human beings: We are asked to create a peaceful human beings, regardless of race, religion, and which group. Principle, should make peace.

He who can do the above 3 things, God willing, enter the group of people who go to heaven. Amiennnn ... ... ... ... .. (sufimoslem4 world)

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