Senin, 28 September 2009

Characteristics Sufism

Talking about the Sufi's very diverse, there is called the Natural Mysticism and magic in it, including the unity with all things in Nature other than god. In Natural Mysticism, a person will feel unity one with certain plants, chemical substances, or including marijuana, drugs and all forms of narcotics.

Of Islamic Sufism is very different from that. Even so, not easy to give a comprehensive characteristics of the notion of sufism. The experts, in general, tend to accept William James research published in his book "The Variety of Religious Experience". Characteristics of sufism, among other things:

  • Ineffability, difficult to express because it comes a sense of mystical experience and stresses quality, which means private subjectivity of the mystical experience itself.
  • Incommunicbale, difficult to communicate. This means that human language or words that there is not sufficient to describe the spiritual experiences of the mystics. In addition to the language of the Sufis is difficult to understand, the Sufi use symbolic meanings to express of their experience .
  • Noetic, which means not based on certain theories are scientific. The experience of the Sufis are inspirational, like inspiration data. So be very wrong if generalized.
  • Pasivity, a mystic experience does not happen because of the desire of the mystics, but the grace of God Almighty. In this case, the Sufis do not have the ability to control the mystic experience but merely pasive and accept it.
  • Transiency, mystic experience is only temporary and passed very fast like lightning in life. But these experiences are usually very strong and very clear stored in the hearts of the Sufis.
  • Integration with the higher reality, the experience strengthens mystic union between man and God is all-glorious; (Yahweh in Jewish tradition; Lord or God in the Christian tradition; God in Islam; brahman, sunyata, Tao in the tradition of eastern religions).

Sufi experience was like lightning in a matter of seconds. But the flash, make a big change in behavior among the Sufis of life in everyday. God more important than the other thing. In addition, also be wise in looking at various problems of the world. (Sufimoslem4euro)

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